2015 Wind Wolves Preserve Spring Nature Festival March 28th & 29th
Wind Wolves Preserve Spring Nature Festival March 28th & 29th, 2015
On the weekend of March 28th & 29th, 2015 the Kern Sierra Unit of the BCHC participated in the Spring Nature Festival held at the Wind Wolves Preserve.
The unit had a booth that distributed BCHC literature and answered the public’s questions regarding our purpose.
Nearby, we conducted packing demonstrations and if the timing was right the public got to witness a mule and wagon being driven.
The packing demonstrations were a big hit there and were among the most attended events. The demonstrations were supposed to occur a couple of times per day but due to the sheer number of attendees and the interest, people kept lingering and it seemed that the days were one non-stop demonstration.
I would like to thank Dan & Sara York of the Wind Wolves Preserve for accommodating us. In addition I would like to thank all of the other volunteers that contributed to its success: Robert Anderson, Patty Montoya, Fred & Sylvia Chavez, Tammy Bozarth, Lynn Joiner, Vince Zaninovich.